Here’s what we’ll cover
Stacey Cranitch is showing us how to get our social media organsied in just one hour a week. But before we get into the how, we talk about the why. Why do we need to get our social media organised? Why do we service based businesses need to strategically embrace social media? Well, it helps to reduce the sales cycle. We talk about how a consistent social media presence has changed our sales processes and in fact all but eliminated the need to ’sell’ in a sales call.
Stacey shares with us exactly what she does every month, week and day to ensure she has a consistent presence on social media and I’m excited to organise my own social media in exactly the same way that Stacey does.
Get your pen and paper out for this one you’ll be wanting to take a few notes!
Links and Resources
- Checkout the Simply Smarter Numbers website HERE
- Checkout the Podcast HERE
- Checkout the Instagram page HERE
- Checkout Stacey’s Podcast HERE
- Checkout Stacey’s Facebook Group HERE
- Checkout Stacey’s Instagram HERE
Keep Listening!
Here’s the shownotes
Jen Waterson
A few weeks ago now I had the absolute pleasure of meeting and working with today’s guest Stacey Cranitch from ‘The Social Hub’.
Together we pulled apart the numbers from her business and then we rebuilt her business one number at a time and Stacey walked away with a physical, visual plan of what she needed to do to achieve her profitable revenue goals in the coming 12 months.
I’m thinking that she must have enjoyed that session because from there Stacey invited me onto her podcast to talk about numbers and also invited me into her Facebook group to hold a masterclass on profitable revenue growth to help out her community.
In the few months that I’ve known Stacey, there’s a couple of big things that have continued to blow me away about this woman.
The first is that not only has Stacey created a great community of 2,500 people in her Facebook group, but this community is super active and super engaged. The second thing about Stacey is that she’s amazing at turning up consistently, regularly, all the time on social media.
I don’t know about you but building an engaged community and turning up regularly on socials is something that I find really, really difficult.
I figured if I need help with that then surely there are others out there who do too so I’ve invited Stacey onto the podcast to help make this social media thing just a little bit easier for us. Stacey is a social media expert and coach and she is a country girl just like me. The other thing about Stacey is she has a knack for keeping things real and practical, so I’m really excited to have Stacey on the podcast.
Welcome Stacey.
Stacey Cranitch
Thanks Jen, that was a beautiful introduction.
Jen Waterson
Glad you liked it!
Stacey Cranitch
I so liked it, I was sitting there quite chuffed actually.
Jen Waterson
Tell us a bit about yourself and your business Stacey.
Stacey Cranitch
I’m Stacey, my business is called ‘The Social Hub’, I guess technically you could say my title is social media strategist and sales coach, I’m also a podcaster, online course creator and a country girl, I call myself a self-confessed karaoke queen, sometimes I feel like I should still be in my twenties instead of my forties, I always say I’m a self-confessed party girl who never wants to grow up.
I think that’s why I like social media so much, it’s like an online party that really suits me at this stage of my life.
Jen Waterson
You’re obviously an extrovert, I’m an introvert maybe that’s why I don’t like social media.
Stacey Cranitch
I’m definitely an extrovert but I guess the other thing is one of my highest core needs is love and connection and I guess that’s why I love my Facebook group so much, because it’s that community connection that I get from that group and other people are getting that from it as well.
But you’re not alone, there’s lots of introverts that do struggle with showing up on social media.
Mostly I work with female entrepreneurs in their first one to three years of business but it can be longer than that, it’s really that they’re still in that stage of DIY, so I’m a coach and a strategist so I don’t do any management or implementation but I know lots of amazing people that do that.
I really love to sit in that space because my whole career before this was finance but it was as a sales coach so that’s what I’ve done my whole life. I’m a talker, I’m a listener, I’m a nurturer so that coaching space sits really well for me and I started the business in June 2018, so it’s been two awesome years working with people and coming across you Jen and having that session with you came at a really good time.
I think we were smack bang in Covid when that happened or maybe just before?
Jen Waterson
I think it was just before. I can’t remember the exact date but I have a feeling it was just before.
Stacey Cranitch
The year’s been a blur.
Jen Waterson
Yeah it has, and it was such a good session.
I’m a bit like you, I love to just dig in and have that couple of hours of just full on one to one and just work hard on somebody else’s business with someone and I have to say too Stacey, when we we’re doing that, for people who haven’t done those sessions with me before we jump on zoom and have a deep dive into your business in a really intensive way, but we were on zoom and I just have to say that I love the part, and you were one of these people Stacey, when we’re pulling apart a business I love the look on people’s faces, such intense concentration, almost amazement because you can start to see what comes together.
Stacey Cranitch
The lightbulb moment
Jen Waterson
Yeah, but we get to continue doing that with things like zoom with coronavirus around, we just have to start embracing things like zoom and all those technologies don’t we?
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah 100%
It’s so funny because I am naturally a very expressive person so it doesn’t surprise me that you were sitting there having a giggle at some of my facial expressions.
It was such a valuable time for me, it must’ve been earlier this year it was kind of like we were moving into almost finishing that second year of my business, I was at a point I needed to reclarify my numbers and it came at a really important time for me and I really enjoyed it and obviously we formed a great friendship from that as well which has been really nice.
Jen Waterson
Yeah we did it’s great.
I guess going back to a point that you made in your introduction, saying that you work with businesses that have been around for one to three years, I guess the thing with social media is you can actually be a business owner for five, six, seven years but it’s when you start to change your purpose, the way you want to operate your business, ie. More online or you know you need to step out of your comfort zone and develop a social media presence, that can come at any point, you don’t have to be a new business to do that, so I guess that’s where you can also work with those sort of business owners as well.
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah so one to three years, most of the time these days a lot of the time people are starting and are quite new, but there is also people who have been in business quite a while and don’t have a presence, and are new to that digital presence as well.
That happened to a lot of people in Covid, was they had a business, it was thriving, maybe had a lot of referral based leads, and things changed and they realised they had to get online.
There are a lot of people who I’ve come across lately who are in that group where they’ve been around for a while, there business is going well but now they need to have that digital presence too.
Jen Waterson
Before we kick off, I mentioned in the intro that we’ve done some work together and we’ve had a chat about that and we have been talking about building your profitable revenue goals, first of all I wanted you to kind of join the dots here for me.
At the end of the day we all want to be running a profitable business but why do we need, as a service based business that deals directly with humans, directly with clients, some of it will now be online, but why do we need to spend the time to build a social media presence?
Stacey Cranitch
It’s a really good question and sometimes I wish people would ask that more before they just go and open up a Facebook profile because it’s so accessible these days, I find a lot of people just go ‘everyone is doing it I need to do it’, and then they go and open up an Instagram account and a Facebook profile and start whacking things out there, and don’t actually really strategically think of those reasons why, which then will lead into them creating a better strategy from the get-go about what they want to do on socials and what actions and objectives they want to drive with their social media presence as well.
Good question which I do wish people would ask first.
The things is, these days people are so online and I often say that we are such a disconnected society that we’re craving connection online, and these digital platforms are used every single day.
So with Facebook you’ve got 1.6 Billion people and over 2 Billion people on Instagram, and the average user time on both platforms is about 54 minutes a day.
It’s proven that people make purchases will often choose a brand that they have seen or found on Instagram because they’ve had the opportunity to build a relationship with that brand.
Essentially, what social media allows you to do is connect more, and build that relationship more, get that like and trust factor and move people through that funnel to becoming a client with you, a little bit faster than if you weren’t using those channels.
Jen Waterson
It’s so interesting that you say that Stacey because I struggle with social media and don’t personally enjoy doing it myself, but I do it and I don’t know if I do it well or not but I do it, and what I’m finding is that as I’m getting people who are wanting to work with me.
It’s kind of as though these people are coming in touch with me, they’re getting online, we’re having a chat and then the sales process, it’s like I don’t even need a sales process, it’s like they’ve already made their mind up, they want to work with me because I’m guessing I’ve been putting myself out there for a period of time, there’ve been quietly watching in the background but it’s almost as though we have developed a relationship without me even knowing about it.
It does make that sales process almost non-existent.
Stacey Cranitch
100%, I find that I, and I hate using the word discovery call because it just sounds so clinical but when I jump on a call with a potential client these days, it’s basically like what are my options?
I’m not having to spend a lot of time proving myself to them because I’ve already done that on my channels, and I believe the people that do that really well, that’s the impact that it has on your conversion process, that when you get to the point someone wants to work with you it’s just a matter of what can you do for me? Because you can build that relationship up over time and sometimes those relationships are building and you don’t even know.
They’re just bubbling away, not everyone comments on your posts, not everyone engages with everything you do but they’re watching you and if you’re attracting the right audience, having the ability to grow an audience, connect with people for free in your lounge room with a glass of wine if that’s what you want to do, it’s so powerful and your main strategy doesn’t necessarily need to be generating leads either, you could still have amazing referral sources that you’ve got a full and abundant business but just having that brand awareness, because I think this year has proven that we don’t know what’s going to happen.
What if one of your big referrers fell over?
Jen Waterson
Yeah that’s a really good point.
I am a super big believer of the referral system and really milking that, not a very nice word but making the most of your referral systems and the people you have in your ecosystem to help drive new leads.
I am a lover of that but you’re right, things are changing and we do need to start thinking about how else we can do it.
Have you got any good examples of clients or things you’ve seen where people have really escalated their ability to reach their profit goals by committing to developing a social media presence?
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah, so one of my favourite stories is one of my clients Gemma, she’s got a Pilates studio in the beautiful coastal town of Yamba. ‘Connect Pilates’ studio is her Instagram handle.
When I met Gemma she was living in Sydney and she was moving and relocating from Sydney to Yamba and taking her Pilates studio with her. Basically her entire client demographic was going to be totally different, big change.
We met when she was in that process and put together a strategy for her to connect with that audience. I’ll be perfectly honest, some of the strategy was, hey you’re moving to a new area it’s a little bit country down there, how do you connect with these people?
We put some personal in-person events with a mixture of a few different strategies for her to connect but socials was a big key part of it, and building out a really simple sales funnel with email marketing which she wasn’t utilising and she had sold out her classes within 3 months.
She gave herself 12 and they were sold out within 3, she’s got a waitlist well and truly in place, and then launched a 3 month membership, which everyone knows membership style systems are great for that ongoing income and the guaranteed income so that was something she really wanted to put in place.
She sold that out honestly just from social media from her existing clients.
Jen Waterson
Moving from the city to the country, I’m a country girl, not that everybody is super cynical or whatever but you get somebody new into the town and it takes people a little bit to warm, it doesn’t always I don’t want to make country people sound like they’re awful but it is, it’s a tough gig to come brand new into a new town and create a new business which actually involves you as a person teaching and guiding.
These people have to trust you enough to come and spend time with you and feel comfortable enough to learn Pilates.
Stacey Cranitch
One of the great things about that was I love digitals and socials, but I also am 40 I come from an era where we did sales face to face and in person and had that human connection.
She did do all the right other things as well and didn’t just rely on a social media platform to get her everywhere. She put herself in front of people, had open days, invited people in and really what happened was they fell in love with her beautiful personality and the way she teaches Pilates but that social media presence just engaged them more.
The people that may have come to the open day but didn’t sign up, they came back the next time and did.
Jen Waterson
That’s where the social media comes into it.
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah having that presence was crucial when people started to drop off, to get new clients in which made her business more profitable and viable.
We’re all in business to make money let’s be honest.
Jen Waterson
We are.
If we’re in business to make money and you’re telling us that we need to make more of a presence when it comes to our social media, how can we do it quick and easy?
I would love if you had any tips to share around our social media strategies I am the hardest person to sell too when it comes to social media.
I don’t know if I have some sort of weird mind block thing going on but I just don’t like social media.
What can you tell us to help take away that pain and make it easier?
Stacey Cranitch
I’ve definitely got some practical tips and strategies to help people but I think I’d like to start with the fact that you’re not alone Jen, a lot of people out there are that way and it’s funny, I think sometimes it’s because it’s the blend of a platform that has personal connection and business connection and sometimes people struggle to blend the two.
I think there’s another two components there that come up a lot with people I talk to and one is it’s ongoing. You don’t create one social media and get a whole book of clients, it’s ongoing, you’ve got to show up really consistently and the other thing is you need to show up yourself, your brand particularly as a service based brand or coach, you have to be part of your brand.
People get really overwhelmed with the consistency of having to continue to create content over and over again every day, week, month and they also get overwhelmed with having to put themselves out there.
It’s a lot of a mindset thing, they feel that why would anyone want to know what I think about this? They get the imposter syndrome. Am I really good enough? There’s already somebody out there doing what I want to do. That sort of thing.
I would encourage everyone first of all, if you do feel like socials are not your thing, really have a think about why you feel that way. It usually comes back to some feeling of you don’t want to be rejected, you want people to like your content, we have that in built in us already.
Jen Waterson
I think you’re right.
You touched on a point about the fact that we need to come across as ourselves because then it feels, even when it’s tough, it’s easier, you can’t be trying to constantly put on some façade and portray that into your social media because it’s not sustainable.
We need to be consistently ourselves and I guess the other side of it too is I’m starting to see now some sort of return on that, I’m seeing that I’m getting people connecting with me and they’re speaking to me as though we’re friends from way back and I don’t know these people.
It’s amazing and I love it. If you had of told me back when I first started all this that this was one of the benefits that people will just connect with you and the sales process will be so much smoother, I would’ve said Stace look sorry but that sounds like a pitch to me like I wouldn’t believe it.
But I’ve done it now and I can see it.
Stacey Cranitch
You had to go through that little bit of pain and get through to see the results.
I think that not everything we do in business is necessarily going to be something we like to do.
I used to work in finance but doing my books doesn’t interest me at all. I would rather have someone else do that for me.
Jen Waterson
I guess that’s the thing isn’t it? We have to accept that we need to do this.
For myself personally now that I can see the results I can see that this actually does work. Now I am busy doing the do I’m meeting with clients and doing all of the things to run my business that it comes more of a time issue.
When do I find the time to do the social media that I now really understand that I need to keep at?
Stacey Cranitch
That’s the other thing is that it is ongoing. You have to be consistent on socials, particularly Facebook and Instagram, they’re extremely high traffic platforms.
To show up and have cut through you’ve got to have a clear strategy. You’ve got to be dedicated to having a personal brand and you have to show up consistently. Not just posting and ghosting.
You’ve got to be prepared to engage with new people and it’s not even just new clients that you’ll meet on there, it’s third-party businesses that you can collaborate with. We connected through a friend on social media.
It has a lot of other powerful things too. When you get to the point where you’re like how do I really find the time to do my business because another thing that people go through is I don’t know what content to create, I don’t know what to write, I don’t know what images to put out there.
There’s no real structure to it and they’ll find that they’ll spend so much time every day that it becomes a really laborious task instead of being something that’s fun and useful.
That’s what I call when you get the social media burnout.
Jen Waterson
Laborious task. That’s exactly how I would describe the feeling of having to sit down and do social media.
I don’t sound very nice. I sound like an awful person. When you actually do put a post up you’re so proud of it when it’s done and a finished product, but the whole sitting down, I guess we need to remove the laborious processing from our minds.
Anyway, let’s see if we can do that.
Stacey Cranitch
I’ve got like a 3-step process and I break it down into a monthly task, weekly task and a daily task.
Ideally, the end game is that you can get yourself down to one hour a week on your social media content, and then a few minutes a day on your engagement on the platforms.
A lot of people think that sounds so unachievable, they’re spending hours a day trying to find an image and then don’t know what to write with that image.
I think the first point to look at is, like anything you’ve got to have all of your collateral and organisational stuff set first to set you up for success.
When I’m looking at someone’s content plan and how they’re planning out their content and what they’re putting out there is, two things, having all your stuff like your social media templets which is so easy to create on Canva, if you’ve got a graphic designer they can create some for you or there are plenty of designers out there that sell templets that you can purchase, download and save into your Canva to edit for your own branding.
Jen Waterson
That all helps with the consistent looks as well I suppose doesn’t it?
Stacey Cranitch
The other thing would be having your brand collateral.
Any brand photography, for product based businesses their products but for service based businesses brand shoots of yourself.
That doesn’t have to be an overly laborious or expensive task. I’ve just signed up with a brand photographer to do a 3 month package, which it wasn’t even the fact that I could pay it off over 3 months that was the deal breaker for me, it was that I would get to go to a few different locations and have a lot of content.
I can put those images into my templets and into my content to put myself on my feed and I then feel happy putting myself on my feed. I don’t want to take a selfie in my pyjamas let’s be honest.
Jen Waterson
Yeah that’s a really good point and if anybody out there is listening and hasn’t done the professional photoshoot, it’s so worth the money.
I’ve done two now, one was only a 15 minute headshot thing but we got so many photos in that time it was amazing the amount of different photos we managed to get in one tiny room.
I had another bigger shoot done as well and the moment I had access to those photos, all of a sudden putting social media up became an absolute breeze.
It took away that whole thing about trying to find the right images and I was spending so much time going on all these free stock things and the images were less than ideal to start with anyway.
Stacey Cranitch
I think with stock images, everyone was using them a few years ago and now we’ve seen them all.
The other thing is it goes back to connection. People want to see who they’re buying from, it helps them build that relationship faster.
I show up on my feed, I encourage everyone to show up on their feed and if you want to do that you want to look good so go and get a nice photoshoot done.
Jen Waterson
So we’re talking templets and we’re talking photos.
Stacey Cranitch
And your branding sweet as well and I think most businesses are at the point when we’re working with them and even if you are new in business you can find really cost effective ways to get it done if that’s a concern and if that’s not a concern it’s worth the investment to have some branding done, have some images done.
Most branding and graphic designers will do templets for you in packages these days so then you’ve got that full sweep in your pocket to help you create better content.
It’s all branded for you and it’s really easy.
The next thing I say on that is set yourself up with an app. I suggest Trello which is really visual that you can put in little cards or excel spreadsheet where you can plan out a whole month’s worth of overviewed content.
I use Trello or Asana because it’s really easy, you can put those little boards up and stuff.
Jen Waterson
Okay I’ve never considered that.
I use Asana for a lot of client work, when I’m working with clients it’s a great way to communicate and keep all of the communications all in one area rather than emails flying around the place and getting lost so we’ve got that constant record there and step by step on what it is that we’re going to be working on together.
I hadn’t really considered using Asana for my social media planning.
Stacey Cranitch
So I used to use Trello but now I use Asana because my VA does, but I set it up like a board it’s like each week there’s 1 to 31 days of the week and you can do it on an excel spreadsheet as well if you want too, but the point is you can have a place to store all your content.
This is really important for planning but it’s also really good as a content library as time goes on.
When it comes to repurposing content or wanting to send content out onto other platforms, having a library there of content that you’ve created in the past is going to be really important plus what if Facebook falls over one day and isn’t available for a week or something. You’re going to want access to your content.
Having that online platform that you’re going to use to put it all into is a really big part of it too.
Once you’ve got all of that collateral, you’ve got your systems set up, then you can start to make plans on what you’re going to create.
The first thing I always say to people to put into their plan, so when we’re looking at a month overview say 1-30 days, is to look at what you’re promoting for the month.
Before you start thinking about what quote you’re going to post on Tuesday the 16th of whatever month, what blog you’re going to share on Friday the 25th of whatever month, put in your promotional rhythm first.
The reason I say that is if we’re talking about being profitable and conversion and generating leads, it’s important that you’re showing people that you can work with them.
It’s also important that your socials are not an afterthought and they’re something that you plan out strategically, then you’re not going to miss an opportunity either.
I often hear people say I launched a 5 day challenge but only had 10 people sign up. They only had one post 3 days before it started. If you had of planned it out pragmatically, and treat it as business, treat your social media like an asset of your business because it is, and had put that promotional rhythm in they would’ve had a couple of weeks to plan for that and maybe would’ve got 300 people doing their 5 day challenge.
Once you’ve put in the things that you’re promoting first, then you put in all of your other valued content in around it.
I kind of liken it to if you have a vase and there’s medium sized rocks and pebbles and sand, and it’s pretty much full and someone gives you 3 big rocks like boulders to put in there, you’re not going to be able to fit them in. But if you tip it all out, put the big rocks in first and then tip everything else in, all the sand falls down into the little nooks and crannies that it needs too and it will all fit in.
Jen Waterson
Yeah that’s a really great way to think about it I hadn’t really considered that before.
It does make perfect sense.
Stacey Cranitch
So you put in what you’re selling first and then you put your valued content in around it.
Now the other benefit of doing it that way is it means that all of the other valued content that you create can support what it is that you’re promoting.
Maybe to give a bit more of a tangible example of this, is I recently was in launch phase for one of my programs. It’s called the ‘course creation’ project where I help people create their own online programs. I was in launch phase for that program so in my promotional rhythm and planning for the month, I was like right these two weeks I’ve got my cart open so I’m promoting that program.
Not every post you do is going to be what I call a sales post because otherwise it gets boring for the people, you need to have that value content. Then what that allowed me to do was all of that value content I created whether it be a tip, quote, testimonial, livestreams with previous members of that program, it meant that all that valued content that I created supported what I was promoting.
There’s a two-fold aspect there to being quite measured in how you plan it, and you don’t always necessarily have to promote something you sell, it could be a lead magnet or something free or your podcast, you might be in a phase where you just want to promote your podcast for a bit, like when it’s school holidays a lot of my content, because I don’t want to be generating a lot of leads in the school holidays, I’ll promote my free stuff or my Facebook group or my podcast or something.
Jen Waterson
Do you put a call to action on every post?
Stacey Cranitch
No. Definitely not.
That’s what I mean by the sales content versus valued content. I usually say 20% would be sales focused and 80% would be value focused.
Even in the value content you can do what I call soft CTA’s where you head over to my podcast or check out my blog, engage with me in one way or another, but if that value content is in the same theme of the thing that you’re wanting people to do at that time, you’re going to get better results from it.
Say for example, you were away on holidays and just wanted to promote your podcast, obviously you’ve got your regular episodes every week and promote them on every Tuesday and then what you might do is pick a few older ones once you’ve got that library of content there, pick a few older ones and do it form the vault of some of your most popular episodes. So people can see it again, or people that haven’t seen it before can see it.
Or you might create a post that relates to a podcast episode and you could just put on the bottom of that post, hey also podcast episode number 57 of the Simply Smarter Numbers podcast actually talks about that head over and have a listen here.
You can see what I mean by being quite planned about you’re doing, it enables you to get more results.
Jen Waterson
Yeah, more purposeful action and I guess when you’re sitting down to do something with an end result in mind, you know you want to sell x product or x service you want to really start amping up the sales on a certain product or service then you can sit down and you’re purposefully thinking about it, it gives you a reason to sit there and do your social media rather than just do it because you haven’t done it for a week and you really need to sit down and put something up on social media.
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah definitely.
At that kind of month overview, you would just get out your Trello or excel spreadsheet, and you just go right Tuesday podcast, Wednesday this, Thursday… and you just do an overview.
Once you’ve got all of that marketing collateral put together, the images and everything it makes the creation part really simple. The planning part maybe you do that once a month and spend a couple of hours once a month doing that.
Where the magic really happens is then each week when you go to create your content, you pull out that week’s content, you’ve got all your imagery and templets, you know exactly what you need to post, you go into Canva, create your images, upload to your scheduling tool, write your captions, got your CTAs there and off you go.
If you are at the point where you can start to repurpose content, and maybe you’ve been doing this for a little while, this is where that vault of content and that library of content comes in handy. You can just pull it from somewhere else and share it again if it’s relevant.
If you do this consistently, it really starts to pay off. When you’re first getting started with this process, you do take a little longer than normal but I’m down to an hour a week is what it takes me to do my social media posts, my clients are the same, the ones that have worked on the process and really refined it, and what that means is when they go to engage every day, they’re so present on the platform and that’s where the magic really happens because you’ve taken all the stress out by planning out your month on an overview, you’ve done your week.
I always suggest as well pick a time when you’re at creatively at your best. For me, Sunday afternoons are a great time. Also early in the morning, even Saturday mornings in bed with a coffee are great times for me. I will often sit there and smash out a whole week’s worth of content really quickly. Some people are better at night, some people are better in the middle of the day. Whatever works for you, pick a day and a time, schedule it in and stick to it.
Honour the time you’ve scheduled to work on your business, and stick to it every week and master that craft, it will start to pay off. Then when you pick up your phone every day or your laptop to go and engage, answer the comments of the people that engage with you, engage with new people, do a couple of Instagram stories, you’re so present at that moment that your engagement really counts.
Jen Waterson
People can tell that, I’m sure they can tell that. It makes a big difference.
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah, instead of spending an hour every day without any structure and you don’t have any energy to engage or it’s an afterthought.
Engagement really is where the magic happens. Engaging with other people and other accounts so if you can get that process down it means that you’re really present for that part of it and that’s where the relationships are formed, in the DMs and the comments and in the interaction that you have with other people, that’s where the relationships are formed.
Not by how pretty your quote tile looks.
Jen Waterson
Yeah I love that advice.
I am organised now, I just feel like I can do this now. I know what I’m going to do for the next month, as in my business. I really know what I need to promote for the next month so now it’s just a case of getting onto Asana and setting it up there, even getting my VA to set that up and say okay this is what we’re going to now we’re going to sit down and spend a bit of time mapping out our social media content for the next month, and then she has something to go on with as well.
I don’t try and do all of mine but at least I can just sit and do all of the content and it’s going to mean something.
I’m really excited by that thanks Stace, I’m really glad I had you on the podcast!
Stacey Cranitch
Of course, and the thing is that most of the time you’ve already got that rhythm in some sort of business sense mapped out anyway. It’s just a matter of pulling it over and making it really purposeful with what you’re doing online.
Jen Waterson
Yeah brilliant.
Well thank you, you helped me big time, so I’m thinking you must have helped somebody out there whose listening.
Stacey Cranitch
My pleasure, and like I said I like to keep thing simple and that is just one of the simplest processes that I put in place for myself and help my clients with and they love it.
Jen Waterson
Yeah and going back to what I said in the intro, you actually are so good at turning up every day on social media.
Even if you’re not there every day, to me as an outsider looking in, it really does look like you are, you have a really strong presence so it obviously works.
Stacey Cranitch
That’s what I mean by having the energy to show up. When I show up in my story I’m so energetic and so present because I haven’t spent two hours every single day creating content. I’m there and I’m ready to show up. When I’m in my Facebook group doing a live, I’m there, I’m present for those people I’m not exhausted from all the other content that I’ve had to do.
Jen Waterson
Brilliant, alright love it.
Thanks so much Stacey.
Stacey Cranitch
Thanks for having me I love being a guest on podcasts because being a podcaster myself and as you would know, doing your own podcast and running your own podcast it’s such a treat being on the other end of the microphone.
Jen Waterson
It is, it’s such a great opportunity for people. If you don’t have a podcast out there people you need to consider it, I’m actually loving the process and I’m loving that I get to have really good conversations with all sorts of different people like you and I will catch up from time to time anyway but to sit down and have a conversation for a full hour it’s really great and we get some really good tips out of it too don’t we.
Stacey Cranitch
I learn so much from my guests over the time and I often sit there and I’m like wait a minute I’m just going to make a note about that.
Jen Waterson
You’ve been chatting away and I’ve got notes everywhere.
I hope some of our listeners out there have got their pen and are taking some notes as well because I know that social media can be a bit overwhelming, it can feel a bit hard sometimes but I can assure from a business owner whose been going at it for a while that it actually does pay off. It is really starting to work for me so if you’re questioning or not whether you needed to do it, then yes I can tell you it’s really worthwhile doing it and now you’ve got some strategies in place to sit down and do it.
Now Stacey, I spoke earlier about your Facebook group, tell everybody where they can find you, your Facebook group and all the other good places they can catch up with you.
Stacey Cranitch
Yeah cool so my Facebook group is called the ‘social media 101 society’ if you just type in social media 101 on Facebook in the groups tab you will find it. I’m also over on Instagram @the__social__hub and I also have a podcast ‘The Social Hub’ podcast so they’re usually the 3 best places to catch me. In the Facebook group it’s a really engaged group there’s maybe like 2,500 people in there.
Jen Waterson
It truly is engaged, I love your Facebook group, everybody is quite active. I think social media too it’s a really good topic and not all the posts are about social media, there’s a lot of general busines stuff that goes on as well but I think with social media it is something that people are always going to struggle with and we can throw it out there ask a quick tip and when we can get an answer really quickly that gets us out of a mess that were in and off we go, your Facebook group is really good.
I highly recommend people doing that. Checkout Stacey’s podcast, it’s also really awesome and if you’re listening to this podcast then you’re probably a podcast listener so go ahead and do that.
Thank you so much for joining me Stacey it was so great to have you here and wherever you may be listening in the world, thanks so much for tuning in, have a wonderful week and we shall talk again soon.